How to box kick

How to box kick

The box kick is a great high-over the shoulder kick to help relieve pressure out of tight defensive situations or place the ball behind the opposition forwards in tight attacking situations. It’s a particular favourite for scrum-halves and a great tool to have in your locker as a kicker. In this article we’re going to share with you some basics of how to box kick.

Balance is key

One of the most important things for box kicking is balance. It’s really important to keep your weight on your toes. If your weight is on your heals, you’re more off balance and the likelihood is that the ball is going to fall back over your shoulder. To set up for the box kick, get your feet shoulder width apart with your weight nice and light on your toes, creating a strong and stable position giving you a good platform to kick from. Watch kicking coach, Tony Yapp, explain the importance of balance in this video with Caity Mattinson.

Hand placement on the ball

Getting your hand placement right on the ball for the box kick is going to help you no end. Place your hand low on the ball, holding the ball nice and upright. Then, when you kick, you’re looking to kick up through your hand. Watch Tony talk you through the hand placement for a box kick with Caity demonstrating the exercise.

We hope you've found these basics for how to box kick useful. Head on over to our YouTube channel for more free coaching videos. We're excited to share with you our unique Dave Alred Coaching System #DACS incorporating the tools that helped some of rugby’s biggest names to become the best in the world!

To help you get started, download our FREE beginners guide to kicking – click here

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