Kick When It Counts
Kicking in open play, for a penalty or conversion can be important to get right. Statistics show that 45% of points in rugby are kicked and those teams who kick better in open play win more games.
No matter what level you’re at kicking we will help you and your team succeed, we are passionate to help you improve your kicking and help you focus on your performance.
We have a free beginner guide to kicking containing all of our tips, guides and sessions which can be found here. Please have a look through and feel free to use this in your own training and club training.
In this guide we explain the 5 elements essential for developing kicking, which when blended together creates a great learning experience for kickers. We will use these 5 elements to lead you through a practical learning experience. They are as follows: Pressure, Practice, Practical, Preparation and Principles. More detail on these elements is available in our free beginner’s guide here and will be explained in later blog posts.