Principles Of Kicking

Principles Of Kicking

As previously mentioned, there are 5 key elements essential for kicking development, in this blog we will be explaining the first one “Principles” and the elements to this first step. This stage will help you understand the optimal biomechanics required to powerfully and accurately kick the ball. In this section there a YouTube videos linked to the principles, showing a small lesson from Dave Alred on how to develop this skill. Some of the key principles can be found in more detail over on the free beginners guide- here
  • C to J is the only way
  • Pillar to target
  • Posture and Power
By following these principles, you can instantly achieve power through the ball, precision and a safer style to your kicking, which you can then take with you to our sessions section to test these out. Each element is essential in developing high level skills that are robust under pressure and fatigue. We are confident that this process will support you to becoming a better kicker. To find more information and guidance follow our beginners guide- here.
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